Personal Brand Exploration – Developing your personal brand means building your executive presence so you can inspire confidence as a leader. Bebe will help you become a better version of yourself by harnessing your strengths and minimizing your weaknesses.

Color and Style Profile – A personal color profile combines art and science to provide you a color palette as unique as your DNA. You will come to have a holistic appreciation that how you look on the outside reflects who you are on the inside. From here, we can craft a unique profile that translates your personality, goals, and strengths into a distinctive style that helps you make the right impression wherever you go.

Wardrobe Development – New wardrobe acquisitions for the given season create a wardrobe capsule. Your wardrobe will, most likely, transcend seasons. But, because we work with current fashion, we work with what is seasonally available. Our primary focus is on the function and purpose of your wardrobe. Along with the wardrobe, you come to know each item’s strategic purpose, and how to build looks from them. Photographs of myriad outfit combinations go into a shared album viewable on iOS for on-the-fly consultation. Separately, consider a methodical review and organization of your wardrobe, culling pieces that don’t speak to who you are and adding new pieces that embody your personal brand and style.

Image Consulting – Your image is more than just your appearance; it’s how you carry yourself. Image consulting is the perfect complement to Bebe’s other services, giving you the confidence to own your new look.

Virtual Consulting – Virtual consulting allows you to explore your personal brand and style from the comfort of your own home through online wardrobe styling sessions, executive presence coaching, and personal branding exploration. Bebe is an in-demand personal stylist for clients across the country and virtual consulting makes his services accessible no matter where you live.